Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hamburgers, Cokes and Animated Mice or ... A Ticket to Disney World Used to Cost $3.50

t us examine the pricing inflation of three, token consumer monopolies, businesses that one time or another, Warren Buffet has been in love with: McDonald’s, Coke and Disney.

Price of a McDonald's Hamburger

Price of a Coke

Price of a Ticket to Disney World













Table 7-1

In 1955 a McDonald's hamburger cost $.15. In 2011 the same flapjack of greasy goodness cost $.95. A Coke in 1950 cost a nickel and in 2011 the same bottle of liquid sweetness (sans the cocaine) cost approximately $1.00 depending on location. Believe it or not, a ticket to Disney World cost $3.50 in 1971 and $80.00 in 2010.[i] At one point in history you could have gone to Disney World, had lunch and a tasty bottle of sugar water all for about $3.70! Good golly! Nowadays, the total for this Disney day out comes to about $81.95 … the hamburger has increased in price by 533%, the Coke by 1,900% and the Disney ticket by a whopping 2,186%! Now that is inflation folks and guess what? In in each case, the company stands to benefit even with rising costs.

[i] Inflation numbers website.

Building a Small Business That Warren Buffett Would Love - Available Everywhere Spring 2012.

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