Friday, July 30, 2010

Access 1 Million People in 10 Minutes

The Google Adwords Methodology

  1. You need a website in place, doesn't have to be fancy but professional, with a way to capture e-mails. (I recommend using a third party solution such as Mail Chimp or AWeber.)
  2. Set up a google adwords acct, go to Google, hover over advertising programs at bottom ... AdWords
  3. Write down one sentence which describes your "money in-hand, ready to buy, laser targeted customer" - your might not be so much a "ready to buy" buy you get the idea.
  4. Go to Google's keyword tool - just search on google keyword tool - pull out of your one sentence the key phrases and search - now you will find relevant keywords, pay attention to the traffic and only use the ones that pertain to what you are trying to do.
  5. Once you have this use the Google traffic estimator and type in the keywords - notice the traffic, eliminate the low ones.
  6. Set up a Google Ad - the headline should have your keyword in it, the second line a benefit, the third line a feature or offer. (Note, go slow at first, do not set your budget above where you need it)
  7. Set up a competing ad to try and beat the first one ... split test ... eliminate the loser.

I highly recommend picking up the book Google Adwords by Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd ... at Barnes.

Remember, you are trying to capture e-mails as well so you can continue to market to your market and not pay for the click again.

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