The Darie and Watson architecture for database connection
and command building as featured in their book ASP.NET 2.0 E-commerce in C# is a fairly clean methodology for
establishing configuration properties, building a generic connection and
command builder and querying data using stored procedures. It involves three separate class files: a Configuration.cs deigned to hold and return
the values of the connectionString and dbProvider, a GenericDataAccess.cs designed to build the
command, the database agnostic DB Factory, receive the stored procedure name,open
and close the connection, returning a datatable, and finally, the specific data
access file I call DatabaseCustomerService.cs.
By placing the program’s configuration settings in a separate
file, it is easier to make future changes.
In the specific case of our program’s database connection and querying
architecture, the Configuration file simply holds the values of the database
connection string and db provider and provides a simple return method.
The Generic Data Access class simply calls the connection
string and db provider values from the Configuration.cs file, sets up the
database agnostic factory (allowing the developer to use db connections and
commands without database specifity, except when the factory is initialized),
builds the command., opens the connection, quickly performs its work returning
a datatable in this case and quickly closes the connection.
The class and its methods are generic enough that it can be
used by multiple objects that need database connection, command and stored
procedure execution. GenericDataAccess
accepts a command object as a parameter which holds the stored procedure
designation in its CommandText property.
This class serves as the “front counter” to the database and
is used to create the command object using a specific store procedure name. It
calls GenericDataAccess to build a command and query the database.
It calls GenericDataAccess to build the command which again
uses the database agnostic factory to build the command, it obtains the
provider name and connection string from the configuration file and stores them
as fields and sets them to the properties of the connection string and command
object, setting the ComandType property
of the command object to a stored procedure as well. The method finishes by setting the
CommandText property of the command object to the specific stored
procedure name (comm.CommandText = “Get
Customers”) for instance and calls the
GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm), which returns a datatable …
return GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm);.
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